"Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know nothing of their own."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Hello! You've found the English-language website for:
MIL-The Language Center
(Margaret Gaigo Gakuin)
Just what exactly IS MIL, anyway?
Thinking about teaching in Japan?
If you’re thinking of applying at MIL for a teaching job (or even if you are just curious!) have a look through our website, and hopefully it will answer many of your questions. If not, send us an email. At MIL, 11 full-time and several part-time native North American teachers work with over 800 English students of all ages and ability levels. (see the Types of Classes at MIL page.) MIL offers Instructors a wide variety of teaching experiences!

In Japanese, MIL is what's called an “eikaiwa”, which translates literally as “conversation school.” As such, the focus of our EFL classes at MIL is to teach practical English skills for real communication, and MIL’s primary goal is to help our students develop and improve their speaking and listening fluency.
MIL students are of every level, from beginner
to fluent.

MIL students come from all walks of life, with a wide range of ages and abilities. Our teachers work with more than 800 students each week. MIL offers weekly classes for Playgroups (kids between 2-4 years old who attend class with their mothers.) Kindies (Kindergarten students), Primary students, Junior High students, and Adults. We have special classes for Returnees (children who have lived overseas for a few years and attended school in an English-speaking country), and Private and Ticket lessons, too. We also offer 25 minute Trial Lessons at no cost to prospective students. MIL teachers don’t specialize --everyone teaches students of every age and fluency level!